What is automatic renewal?
Beginning in February 2024 you will no longer have to remember to renew any books, DVDs, or
other physical items you have borrowed from the library. If the item is eligible to be renewed, it
will be automatically renewed for you three days prior to its due date.
How do automatic renewals work?
Three days before an item is due, the item will be automatically renewed if:
- The item was checked out at a library participating in the automatic renewals service
- There are remaining renewals available for the item.
Which libraries are offering automatic renewals?
Participating in automatic renewals is determined by each individual library in the Merrimack
Valley Library Consortium (MVLC). Ask staff at the library where you are checking out if their library has automatic renewals.
Do I have to sign up for automatic renewals?
No. This is an automatic service through your library and requires no sign up on your part.
Will I have a shorter overall loan period?
No. Items are renewed from the original due date.
Which items automatically renew?
Most physical items borrowed (books, DVDs, audiobooks, music CDs) are eligible for automatic renewals. Items like hotspots and laptops (which are not renewable) are not eligible for automatic renewal. Exceptions may vary based on each lending library’s policies.
What items are NOT eligible for automatic renewal?
Common reasons why an item cannot be renewed include:
- There is a waiting list
- The item has reached its renewal limit
- Your account is blocked due to overdue items and/or bills owed
- The item belongs to a collection that does not allow auto renewals (such as nonrenewable electronics and “Bestsellers,” digital content, or items lent by libraries outside MVLC)
- The item was checked out at a non-participating library.
If an item did not automatically renew and I don’t return it on time, are there still
If the library where you borrowed the item has fines or fees, then they will still be applied to
overdue items. Haverhill Public Library no longer has late fines.
What is the renewal limit?
Renewal limits vary by item. However, most eligible items will be automatically renewed up to
two times.
Will my Interlibrary Loan (ILL) items, like ComCat, be automatically renewed?
No, per statewide policy, these items may not be renewed.
Will I get a notice that items have been renewed?
Yes, if you have opted in to receive email notifications, you will receive a courtesy renewal
notice via email three days before the item’s due date. The notice will provide the new due
dates for each item and the number of renewals used. You will also be notified of any items
that weren’t renewed and the reason(s) they were not eligible for auto renewal. To ensure you
receive these notices, please check that your contact information is current in your account.
Speak with a library staff member if you have any questions about how to update your contact
What if I don’t want the items renewed? Is it optional?
Auto-renewals will occur automatically for any eligible items as long as the library account is
in good standing. You cannot opt out of auto-renewals, but of course, you can return items as
soon as you are finished with them, regardless of due date.
Can I still manually renew materials whenever I want?
No. Patrons can only renew items in the online catalog three days prior to their due date. This
limitation is in place for all libraries, even ones not currently participating in auto-renewals.
Patrons may contact library staff if they need a renewal before this three-day period.
Why would I want to manually renew an item if they renew automatically?
The system will automatically attempt to renew your borrowed item three days before the due
date. If this renewal attempt is unsuccessful, you may try again manually any time before you
return the item. For example, if your item is on hold for someone else, but due within three
days, that hold could be filled with another copy and your renewal may still go through
If I manually renew, will I have less time to borrow?
No. If you renew the item before its due date, it will renew from its original due date.
As always, if you have questions about this new service, please reach out to library staff by phone (978) 373-1586 x603 or email circulation@haverhillpl.org