As a way of supporting our mission and vision, the Library welcomes the use of its meeting rooms with the guidelines that accompany this policy.

Please note: First priority in the use of Library meeting rooms will always be given to Library-sponsored and co-sponsored programs and to programs held in cooperation with the Library. Room bookings are subject to cancellation with one week’s notice if the room is needed for Library programming.


Library meeting rooms are available free of charge for the following groups/individuals:

  • Educational, cultural, civic, social, religious, or professional organizations
  • Persons volunteering as tutors as part of a non-profit program

Library meeting rooms are not available to groups/individuals for:

  • Promotion or sale of services
  • Fundraising purposes, except for those that benefit the Haverhill Public Library
  • Conducting classes for profit
  • Solicitation or recruitment
  • Promoting hate speech, violence, or intolerance to members of the community

All meetings held by non-Library groups must remain open to the public, and no admission or attendance charge or required donation may be assessed by any non-Library group using a meeting room.

Use of the meeting rooms does not imply endorsement by Library Staff or Trustees of the viewpoints presented.

Meeting room use may be denied to anyone falsifying a meeting room application or failing to comply with this policy.


  1. Groups and individuals using Library meeting rooms agree to the Policy and to the Meeting Room Guidelines.
  2. All meeting rooms must be open to the public.
  3. Requests must be submitted in advance for approval and confirmation, using the Request for Meeting Room application. Requests cannot be made more than three months in advance.
  4. Rooms cannot be used for personal or family purposes.
  5. With the exception of book discussion groups, meetings of the Friends of the Haverhill Public Library, or meetings sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library, a group may request no more than two meetings within a six-month period. Use of a meeting room on consecutive days will be permitted for a one-time special event. The Library will approve and schedule only those meetings which will not disturb other Library activities or patrons. All groups and individuals must comply with the Standards of Library Behavior. The Library reserves the right to withdraw permission for meeting room use when conditions so warrant and to stop meetings which interfere with the normal operation of the Library.
  6. The person requesting use of a meeting room will be held responsible for the orderly conduct of the group and for any loss of, or damage to, Library property.
  7. By requesting to use a Library meeting room, a group acknowledges its willingness to be addressed at some time during its meeting by a Library staff member.
  8. Meeting rooms are available during public service hours or through special arrangement and must be vacated 15 minutes before closing.
  9. Except as a designation of location, the name and contact information of the Library may not be used in any publicity for a meeting.
  10. Groups will not be permitted to post signs or distribute materials on Library property without approval of Library management. Unauthorized material will be removed.
  11. No promotion or sale of items or services is allowed in any Library meeting room, except for speakers or performers at Library programs who have obtained prior approval to sell sound recordings, videos, and books related to their performance or presentation. 25% of the sales from those presentations or performances will be donated to the Haverhill Public Library.
  12. Attempting to raise funds for any purpose during a meeting is not permissible. Use of a meeting room to plan a fundraising campaign or event is not permitted.
  13. Any event related to a political campaign is not permitted.
  14. Attendance is limited by meeting room seating capacity.
  15. Refreshments may be brought into Library meeting rooms with the permission of Library staff. The group serving them will be responsible for any clean-up following the meeting. Alcoholic beverages of any type may not be brought into, served, or consumed on the Library’s premises. Groups will not have access to the Library’s kitchens for storage or food preparation unless given explicit permission in advance. Any groups given permission to use the kitchen is responsible for cleaning it when finished.
  16. Organizations must use Library meeting rooms as they are furnished. Organizations are responsible for leaving the room in the condition they found it. Organizations are responsible for their own meeting room setup.
  17. The Library does not provide any equipment or supplies for public use. Any use of the Library’s AV equipment must be arranged in advance. The equipment must be returned in good working order or the group using it will be responsible for replacing it. Groups may arrange to bring their own equipment and/or supplies with prior notification on the application. Library staff is not available to assist in the setup or trouble-shooting of equipment of a group’s personal equipment. The Library is not responsible for equipment, supplies, or any other materials owned by the group and used in the Library.
  18. Storage of personal property, equipment, and/or supplies is not permitted in the Library.
  19. Accidents must be reported to Administration during the day or to the Acting Department Head after 5 pm, who will report the incident according to Library procedure.
  20. A group or individual using the meeting room is not permitted to approach, solicit, harass, or recruit participation from Library patrons. Patrons using the Library are entitled to privacy and are not to be approached by outside groups.

Effective January 3, 2011                       Approved by the Board of Trustees, December 16, 2010, Updated November 2024