Haverhill Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of May 16, 2024
The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees of the Haverhill Public Library was called to order at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 16, 2024 in the Whittier Conference Room. In attendance were Trustees Bresnahan, Coletti, Klueber, and Veasey-Sirois. Also in attendance was Director, Sarah Moser and Assistant Director, Jane Lemuth.
Secretary’s Report
The trustees were given copies of the minutes dated April 18, 2024. After perusing the minutes, a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Business manager, Josh, presented the financial highlights for April:
- The endowment was just slightly down in April.
- Unrestricted giving is down because every year we have received at least one large donation but this year we didn’t due to Olive’s lump sum gift instead.
- Most Reader’s Fund gifts have come in and the total is slightly lower than previous years, although we received and unexpected gift in the amount of $5000.
- The audit has been completed and everything went smoothly.
There was discussion among the trustees regarding the dollar amounts in the endowment and how much is permanently restricted, unrestricted and available as cash in order to help budget for financing the renovation. The trustees agreed that legal advice is needed.
Director’s Report
A copy of the director’s report was given to the trustees. Sarah discussed the highlights and other director’s news:
- 1300 people attended Comic Con and the day went well.
- Staff are planning for Summer Reading as the next big event.
- The new cleaning company is working out well. They ask questions and are more responsive.
- The Director’s Wishlist donation from the Friends will be used for a new play kitchen in childrens and the framing of Clifford drawings. Becky found some original drawings of Clifford the Big Red Dog by the original artist. She plans on having them museum-quality framed.
Old Business
Sarah finalized the trustees budget. Trustee Klueber made a motion to accept the FY25 trustees budget as presented and Trustee Coletti seconded the motion. All were in favor.
The projected City budget is increased by about $17,000. This figure exceeds the MAR so a waiver will not be needed. They City has declined adding a part time custodian. The managers will receive a small raise.
- 24 Restore still needs to complete some small repairs.
- Rob from Garland is working on the scope of work for the efface.
- CHA conducted an asbestos test and found some on the 3rd floor. It will cost about $125,000 to remove it.
New Business
Maureen Ferris, President of the Friends and Cindy Cavallaro, Vice President, joined the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Trustee Coletti discussed the need for fundraising help from the Friends. The Friends will discuss it at the next Friends meeting and think about an amount they might be able to raise. Maureen and Cindy departed at 10:20 a.m.
Trustee Coletti suggested that Trustee Klueber take the lead on working with the state for funding, and that Trustee Sirois take the lead on helping to find a fundraiser.
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting ended at 10:55 a.m.
Kathleen Bresnahan