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Tag: teen event

--Kids Events --Teen Events

Lotus Lanterns

Wednesday, May 18 at 4:30pm Follow along as a member of the Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project shows step by step how to make a lovely lotus flower lantern using colored paper and wire frames. A short documentary will follow. This class will be held over Zoom and kits will be available to pick up […]

--Teen Events Teens

Meditation classes for teens

Every Thursday in May! May is Mental Health Awareness Month and to help with teen mental health and calming minds, we will be offering virtual meditation classes with Amy Rutledge every Thursday afternoon at 4:30! Each week will feature a different meditation technique. See the class descriptions below and register by clicking the button. May […]

--Teen Events Teens

Doodle Workshop with Cara Bean

Tuesday, April 19 at 2pm This playful workshop invites participants to draw and sketch in an open and relaxed environment. We begin with a few simple sketching games meant to inspire our imagination. As the session progresses, we generate interesting characters and settings. We then explore how words and pictures can come together to build […]


Financial Literacy Month

Activities and resources for teens! Every year, the month of April is recognized as Financial Literacy Month. The goal of this month is to raise awareness about the importance of financial education. Financial Literacy for Middle SchoolersApril 7 at 4pm in the Milhendler RoomMiddle school students can learn about saving money, budgets, bank accounts and […]

--Teen Events Teens

Career Options for Teens

Wednesday, April 13 at 4:30pm Many adults have trouble answering the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up.”  So, one can only imagine the difficulty young people have with the question. This program is designed to help young people figure out their options.  We do this through some easy assignments and […]

--Teen Events Teens

Tarot Reading for Teens

Wednesday, March 16 at 4pm Have your cards read by astrologer Laura Campagna over Zoom! For grades 6-12. Registration required. You will be assigned a 10 min slot between 4 and 6pm. Laura Campagna is a healer, artist, and educator who has been reading tarot and studying astrology since she was 13 years old. Her […]

--Teen Events Teens

Basic Cookie Decorating for Teens

Friday, February 25 at 11amAuditorium Decorate some cute cat shaped cookies with Miranda of Mindy Paper Cookies! Miranda will help you get that smooth finish on your icing and share the secret to straight lines! Each participant will receive a kit which contains 1 large cookie + 2 small cookies + 2 colors of royal icing + sprinkles. […]

--Teen Events Teens

Teen Gaming: Card Corner

Wednesday, February 23 at 4pmMilhendler Room Do you play Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, or Magic? Do you want to play with others? Come on down and play in the Card Corner! Don’t know how to play? No problem, librarian Jonathan can teach you! Starter decks are available to use, but please feel free to bring your own! […]

--Teen Events

Teen Crafternoon: Kitsune Masks

Tuesday, January 25 at 4pm For this crafternoon, we will be decorating Kitsune masks! Kitsune is Japanese for fox. Kitsune are also an important part of Japanese folklore and are said to possess paranormal abilities! You may recognize the kitsune mask from anime series like Demon Slayer. This program is for those in grades 6-12 […]

--Teen Events Teens

Teen Crafternoon: Gratitude Jars

November 17 at 4pm Decorate a jar to fill with things your grateful for! This program will be offered in person and virtually. Virtual participants will need to pick up a supply kit from the library.  Grades 6-12 Registration required.