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June 15, 2023

Trustees Minutes

Haverhill Public Library

Board of Trustees

Minutes of June 15, 2023

The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees of the Haverhill Public Library was called to order at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 15, 2023 in the Donald C. Freeman Whittier Room. In attendance were Trustees Bresnahan, Coletti, Klueber, Rurak, Sheehan and Veasey-Sirois.  Also in attendance was Director, Sarah Moser.

Secretary’s Report

            The trustees were given copies of the minutes dated May 18, 2023.  After perusing the minutes, a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Business manager, Josh, presented the financial statements for May. Highlights included:

  • The portfolio has been slightly up and down but generally stable.
  • There have been some memorial gifts received for Suzanne Davis.
  • There has been a new, recent donor that the trustees would like Sarah to thank.
  • We have received the state aid from the City. It was $38,000 more than expected. Trustee Rurak asked what we will do with the extra and Josh stated that we are expected to receive less library generated income in the next fiscal year, and that it would be helpful for most to go in the cash fund.
  • The trustees discussed the pros and cons of hiring a new audit firm. It was suggested that it might be best to change firms in the near future.

Director’s Report

A copy of the director’s report was given to the trustees. Sarah discussed the highlights and other director’s news:

  • The Summer Reading party takes place on June 17. We are hoping to sign up a lot of people.
  • There is a lot of children’s programming coming up in June.
  • DPW came unannounced and blocked off some parking spaces to add ADA compliant spaces but they left it unfinished and now we have less parking available.
  • The two new children’s staff are doing well.
  • Candidates are being interviewed for the Head of Reference opening.

Old Business

Budget Update

  • We are at 99% of our spending target and should be right at 100% by the end of June.
  • The building budget still has money left so Luis is looking into purchasing new tools and supplies.

Sarah presented the final Trustees Budget for FY24. Trustee Rurak made a motion to approve the budget. Trustee Bresnahan seconded the motion. All were in in favor.

Building Updates

  • The 2nd floor single bathroom started overflowing due to a clog elsewhere in the building. The plumber has come twice so far and Luis had a big mess to clean up. He is looking into new carpet to replace where the water damaged it.
  • Rob from Garland is in contact with the awning company to resolve the bracket issue.
  • The air conditioning unit is under-performing so Preferred Air will be in to look at it.

OverUnder Updates

  • Mark is screening candidates for the project manager position and is looking into fundraising firms.

New Business

            Sarah presented policy updates to the Code of Conduct Policy with a few changes to language. A motion was made and seconded to accept the policy changes. All were in favor.

            Sarah presented policy updates to the Meeting Room Policy. There was discussion on use of the kitchen in the auditorium for groups hosting events. There was also discussion on use of the meeting rooms for political and/or civic events. A motion was made and seconded to accept the policy changes, with one trustee opposed.

            Sarah presented a new Social Media Policy. A motion was made and seconded to approve the new policy. All were in favor.

            Trustee Rurak stated that the Calvary Baptist Church has historical archives that should be preserved and that the church has made important contributions to the history of Haverhill. He would like to ask Becky to meet with him and Kalister Green-Byrd to find out if the documents are something that we could incorporate into Special Collections.

            Sarah received a call from the auctioneer regarding the weathervane because there is an upcoming auction that he could possibly sell it at. The trustees would still like to sell it.

There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting ended at 11:30 a.m.


Kathleen Bresnahan