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October 19, 2023

Trustees Minutes

Haverhill Public Library

Board of Trustees

Minutes of October 19, 2023

The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees of the Haverhill Public Library was called to order at 9:40 a.m. on Thursday, October 19, 2023 in the Donald C. Freeman Whittier Room. In attendance were Trustees Bresnahan, Coletti, Klueber, Rurak, Sheehan and Veasey-Sirois. Also in attendance was Director, Sarah Moser and Assistant Director, Jane Lemuth.

Secretary’s Report

            The trustees were given copies of the minutes dated September 21, 2023.  After perusing the minutes, a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Business manager, Josh, presented the financial highlights for September:

  • The library received a gift for $250 to celebrate 150 years and a thank you to staff.
  • Building repairs and maintenance is so far less than usual.
  • Starting to see consistency in library generated funds.

Director’s Report

A copy of the director’s report was given to the trustees. Sarah discussed the highlights and other director’s news:

  • September was a quiet month with kids going back to school.
  • Sarah completed the final report.
  • MVHBF brought in about 1200 people.
  • The fundraiser is planned for Nov. 3 Haverhill Bank will sponsor it.
  • Sarah closed the Bank of America account and moved it to Haverhill Bank.
  • Paul has been looking into the leaks and garage flooding and will be scheduling a plumber soon.
  • The updated wi-fi has been a big improvement.
  • There have been issues with the homeless setting up encampments near the picnic tables. Sarah met with police and they said to move the tables and call if there are tents set up. Otherwise there isn’t much they can do.
  • The police have been monitoring the park on the Ginty side of the library due to reports of garbage, stolen pieces of our musical instruments, claims of drugs and prostitution.
  • MBLC has released the option of e-cards. Patrons can apply online and will have access to almost all services.

Old Business

Staff Updates

  • Rebecca was promoted from circulation to reference and will fill Amanda’s position.

Renovation update

  • There will be a working group meeting on Oct. 11 with OverUnder.
  • Trustee Sheehan would like to schedule a meeting with Diana Bell and the board.
  • Sarah has been interviewing fundraisers.

New Business

            Trustee Rurak would like a thank you note to be sent to the City for cleaning up the outside of the building on the Ginty side.

            The meeting room use policy was discussed again because there have been complaints about the rules. Sarah will modify some of the wording to make use of the kitchen, limits, and electronics more explicit.

Executive Session

Pursuant with open meeting rules, the Trustees made a motion to enter executive session at 11:00 a.m. to discuss staff holiday gifts. The executive session ended at 11:15 a.m. The regular meeting continued in order to adjourn.

            There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting ended at 11:15 a.m.


Kathleen Bresnahan