Set in a far future where a united Korean military called the Alliance dominates as the leading galactic force, Ocean’s Godori immerses readers in a space opera where an eclectic crew finds itself in the crossfire of a terrorist attack and, subsequently, an ever-unravelling mystery. Ocean Yoon, a skilled but rebellious pilot within the Alliance, finds herself aboard the Ohneul alongside an odd but tight-knit crew. Despite her strained relationship with the captain, Ocean’s leadership as the second-in-command is crucial, especially with the addition of Haven, a newcomer from a mysterious and misunderstood culture. When Ocean’s loyalty is tested by the chance to rescue her best friend Teo, son of a powerful tech dynasty, tensions rise among the crew. Cho’s found family narrative focuses on themes of friendship, loyalty, and identity. With action as well as moments of introspection, Ocean’s Godori held my interest as a unique and enjoyable read.
This is a fun choice for those who wish for more Firefly stories, appreciate the relationship-building narratives of Becky Chambers, or just can’t get enough of politically complex space operas. This title is also available in e-book and e-audiobook format. You can check them out via the Libby app, in the catalog, or by signing in here at Overdrive.