Haverhill Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of July 20, 2023
The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees of the Haverhill Public Library was called to order at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 20, 2023 in the Donald C. Freeman Whittier Room. In attendance was Chairman, Mayor Fiorentini, and Trustees Bresnahan, Klueber, Rurak, and Sheehan. Also in attendance was Director, Sarah Moser and Assistant Director, Jane Lemuth.
Mayor Fiorentini and E3 Energy Advisors
The first order of business was a discussion on the use of library property to have electric vehicle charging stations installed by the City. The Mayor, along with Orlando Pacheco, city energy consultant, and Peter, a representative from the vendor, E3 Energy Advisors answered questions. The City received a grant to install five dual ports, which would be installed in the parking lot, in front of ten parking spots on property owned by the library. The electrical wiring would come from a nearby pole and go underground. The library can decide how to use the parking and how many hours per day should be reserved for charging. Sarah stated that those parking spots are also used by residents in nearby apartments and an ordinance and signage would be needed. Mr. Pacheco stated that they City would charge for electricity and possibly a parking fee, except for City owned vehicles. They also would like to look into installing some ports on Summer St.
Trustee Sheehan seeks to draft a plan that can be recordable and revocable by the trustees at any time. He made a motion to develop a revocable easement for the project at the Trustees discretion and if the Trustees choose to develop the parcel, the ports will be removed at the vendors expense. Peter agreed. All trustees were in favor of developing an easement.
Secretary’s Report
The trustees were given copies of the minutes dated June 15, 2023. After perusing the minutes, a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Director, Sarah, presented the financial statements for June. Highlights included:
- Josh reconciled the City and trustees budgets.
- Gift income has been strong. There have been gifts made in memory of Robert Lynch, which will be deposited into the Constance Zing Lynch permanent fund.
- The library met the MAR and MER, plus more, so no waiver will be needed for FY24.
Annual Meeting Items:
The trustees voted to have Christmas Eve as a personal day for 2024, instead of Black Friday. A motion was made to accept this change in the holiday closing schedule. Four were in favor, one opposed. The holiday schedule was approved.
A motion was made and seconded to accept the FY24 public and private trustee rosters and meeting dates. All were in favor.
Director’s Report
A copy of the director’s report was given to the trustees. Sarah discussed the highlights and other director’s news:
- Paul asked for a cost of living increase of $5 per hour. A motion was made and seconded to accept his request.
- We worked on wrapping up the budget and everything went well.
- The summer reading party was held on June 17. It rained but was still well attended, and we received a lot of positive feedback.
- ARIS reports are due in August and are being worked on.
- Attendance was up about 25k last year, which is getting closer to pre-Covid numbers.
- A new Head of Reference will be starting in August.
- We will be hiring for the new 40 hour position for reference and special collections.
- Sarah spoke with Mr. Geoffrion regarding the Senter project and he was pleased that Special Collections is working toward completing it.
Old Business
Building Updates
- Paul got a quote from the geothermal company for $2200 for immediate work needed.
- The roofing company fixed the supports for the awning.
OverUnder Updates
- OverUnder is working with the geothermal company so they will be able to monitor what is working and not working in the future.
- Sarah met with two fundraising firms. Trustee Coletti joined Sarah in one of the meetings. The organizations gave ideas on how to approach fundraising. They will send proposals.
- Becky and Sarah met with OverUnder regarding space in Special Collections.
New Business
Sarah stated that the handicap parking spaces are finished. There was discussion on removing the berm or leaving it. It is difficult to get a wheelchair over it but a ramp could be built.
Trustee Sheehan reiterated the laws of public meetings as it relates to the library’s code of conduct policy. He stated that if there are disruptive members of the audience, they cannot be excluded as they have a right to attend and voice their opinions. No one has to respond to them but they have an allotted time to speak. If they cross a line where they become threatening or such, then they can be asked to leave.
Trustee Rurak stated that Historic New England has purchased a building on Essex St., which is going to be a major investment for Haverhill. He wondered if the library can have a presence in their cultural center. Sarah spoke with staff member, Marilyn Daly, who is interested in looking at Special Collections.
Trustee Bresnahan departed at 10:15 a.m. Mayor Fiorentini departed at 10:20 a.m. and Trustee Klueber departed at 10:45 a.m. There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The remaining trustees departed and the meeting ended at 10:45 a.m.
Kathleen Bresnahan