Haverhill Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of November 17, 2022
The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees of the Haverhill Public Library was called to order at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 17, 2022 in the Donald C. Freeman Whittier Room. In attendance were Trustees Bresnahan, Coletti, Klueber, Rurak, Sheehan and Veasey-Sirois. Also in attendance was Director, Sarah Moser and Assistant Director, Jane Lemuth.
Secretary’s Report
The trustees were given copies of the minutes dated October 20, 2022. After perusing the minutes, a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Business manager, Josh, presented the financial statements for October. Highlights included:
- The endowment is slowly increasing and is back to where it was in August.
- The Halloween Book Festival brought in $2600.00, up from $770 in 2019. The library received 10% of author book sales.
- Library generated income has fluctuated a lot over the past three years. The trustees asked to add a column to the report that compares the fiscal year to date with last year.
- The MacDougall reports shows that all funds received to date have been used.
Director’s Report
Sarah discussed the highlights of the director’s report:
- The library is fully staffed. Keith and Kayta are both doing well.
- The Halloween Book Festival was successful with about 2000 participants. The Friends Shop also did well that day.
- Sunday hours have started. Interviews for Sunday substitutes has begun.
- The second public meeting was on Oct 26. There were about 50 people in attendance including many teens that provided good feedback. The participants asked more specific questions and it lasted longer than the first meeting.
- The roofers installed reinforcements for the awning.
- All state reporting is complete for the year.
Executive Session
Pursuant with open meeting rules, the Trustees made a motion to enter executive session at 10:15 a.m. to discuss staff holiday gifts. The executive session ended at 10:55 a.m. The regular meeting continued.
Old Business
Building Project Update: There was discussion of renovation costs, coming up with a budget, and sources of funding. OverUnder provided more financial options while ideas for other sources discussed were fundraising, city funding, MBLC or state grants, mortgage, and donations.
New Business
Trustee Bresnahan was asked by a community member what will happen with the Hall of Fame after the renovation and if it can be made bigger. The trustees stated that they will be mindful of it during and after the renovation. Sarah stated that a discussion should occur between them and the Hall of Fame committee and that guidelines should be set regarding the wall.
Jane stated that she is working on getting CPR, First Aid and Narcan administration training for staff.
Trustee Coletti praised Jane for jumping right in and taking charge as the new assistant director.
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting ended at 11:45 a.m.
Kathleen Bresnahan