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Gale Business: Plan Builder


Starting and running a business is hard work, and the odds of success aren’t always favorable. About half of all new businesses survive their first five years, and only a third make it to ten years or more, reports the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The Boston Public Library offers a resource that can help minimize the risk entrepreneurs face when starting or growing a business. Gale Business: Plan Builder assists with everything from identifying a viable idea and determining when a business will be profitable, to developing a business plan and analyzing the financial future of an operation. All Massachusetts residents with a library card can access this resource and more by creating an eCard through BPL!

Gale Business: Plan Builder walks users through five areas of business planning, providing a framework to move through the entire business development life cycle.

Entrepreneur Profile: This step helps users explore what they can
bring to the table as an entrepreneur and assess where they stand
in preparing to start a business. Once done, a one-page summary is generated.

Business Ideation: Users can employ tools such as Lean Canvas,
SWOT, a Pitch Deck, Porter’s Five Forces, and more to plan the high-level framework
in which their business will operate.

Break-Even Analysis: Delivers insight to determine when a user’s
business will be able to cover expenses and begin to realize a profit.

Business Plans Creates a plan that can be presented to potential
investors and lenders, including Executive Summary, Lean Business
Plan, Full Business Plan, and Strategic Marketing Plan.

Financial Projections are a robust analysis of a company’s financial future
encompassing capital expenditures, sales, equity, taxes, inventory and more.

Follow this link to a video tutorial that will show you how to use Gale Business: Plan Builder to document your business ideas and plans!

Why wait? Put this online planning tool to work for you! Visit here for access and find additional business databases here with your HPL card. Plus, additional business resources are available at the Boston Public Library, they provide resource guides and databases.