Check out these adult events happening in February!

2/6 | 7-8pm | Democracy Talks: College Admissions & the Changing Landscape of Affirmative Action (VIRTUAL)
In 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in a landmark decision that race-based affirmative action programs in college admissions processes violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. How has this decision impacted students and college applicants? Join Dr. Anthony Abraham Jack and Dr. Christina J. Cross for an educational chat.
This program is presented with Watertown Free Public Library. Register here.
2/14 | 2-3:30pm | Creating a Family Archive
Learn the basics of archival preservation, including digital preservation and a brief discussion on different ways of telling a story and sharing documents and photographs with other family members. Register here.
**Please note: In the event that Haverhill Public Library is closed for renovations, this program will be held in the City Hall Auditorium across the street from the library (2nd floor of City Hall, please park in regular library parking lot unless you need handicapped parking).**
2/26 | 10-11:30am | Cybersecurity Basics
Cybersecurity is all about the safety of information—our identity, our personal data, and our financial assets—when we’re online.
Learn about safety online and protecting yourself from fraudsters and scams. Feel more confident when visiting websites, creating passwords, and responding to email. Register here.
**Please note: In the event that Haverhill Public Library is closed for renovations, this program will be held virtually on Zoom–the registration link will be posted in our online events calendar.**
2/26 | 7-8pm | An Evening with Romance Authors Ali Hazelwood, Nikki Payne & Denise Williams (VIRTUAL)
Authors Ali Hazelwood, Nikki Payne, and Denise Williams will discuss their latest romance novels in this exciting panel discussion and audience Q&A.
This program is presented with Tewksbury Public Library. Register here.
2/29 | 6-7pm | Make Your Own Mason Jar Succulent!
Make a mason jar succulent with HPL staff! Registration for this event is currently full.
**Please note: In the event that Haverhill Public Library is closed for renovations, this program will be available as take-home kits for registered patrons.**