Haverhill Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of October 20, 2022
The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees of the Haverhill Public Library was called to order at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 20, 2022 in the Donald C. Freeman Whittier Room. In attendance were Trustees Bresnahan, Coletti, Klueber, Rurak, Sheehan and Veasey-Sirois. Also in attendance was Director, Sarah Moser and Assistant Director, Jane Lemuth.
Presentation by Joe Marini, TD Wealth
Joe Marini discussed the stock and bond markets stating that it has been a tough year and close to the worst ever for the markets. He then discussed the library accounts, including special collections, since inception, and discussed the make up of the portfolio and the steady increase in funds over time.
Secretary’s Report
The trustees were given copies of the minutes dated September 15, 2022. After perusing the minutes, a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Business manager, Josh, presented the financial statements for September. Highlights included:
- September was typical for gifts and spending.
- Added a new line item to separate insurance out.
- Created a new report to track expenses related to the MacDougall donation.
Director’s Report
Sarah discussed the highlights of the director’s report:
- Jane, Abigail and Becky all started in their new positions and are working out well.
- We are still waiting to get on the roofers schedule for the awning brackets.
- Christine Paul has been working on the PR and marketing to announce the public meeting.
- The financial report was submitted to the state and we are in good standing to not have to apply for a waiver again this year.
Old Business
OverUnder joined the meeting at 10:25 a.m. for a presentation to discuss the project schedule, enclosure analysis, price considerations and next steps.
They stated that was 826 survey responses.
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting ended at 11:10 a.m.
Kathleen Bresnahan