About the Gallery

Visit the second floor of the Haverhill Public Library to see the various art exhibits on display! Exhibits rotate frequently, so be sure to check back monthly to see the new artwork!

Currently on Display: Steve Bragg

The Haverhill Public Library is hosting an art exhibit by Steve Bragg of Methuen, MA. It showcases his beautiful original watercolor paintings. “Watercolor painting was something I always enjoyed. Fifty years ago, I took a certificate art program in Boston but never found the time to pursue my interest in watercolors painting until the pandemic. I wanted to use what talents God had given me, so I went out and bought paper, paints, and brushes, and started to paint. Like they say, it’s never too late! I paint a picture a week” says Steve.

This exhibit will be on display through February.  It can be seen in the 2nd floor gallery during regular library hours:  Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Steve can be reached at 978-852-4029 or watercolors229@gmail.com and welcomes conversation!


Want to display your artwork at the library? Fill out our Exhibit Request form or email lroy@haverhillpl.org