“At a time when we are searching everywhere for community, for connection, for a sense of belonging, for the engines of democracy that will revitalize our civic life, we have … the most amazing social infrastructure that designers could ever build and it’s called the library.”
-Eric Klinenberg, professor, author
Getting ready to vote next week or in November? Check your status first here! If you need to make changes or register to vote visit the online voter registration system. Also, the library is a polling place for Ward 3 Precinct 2. Not sure where you’re polling place is located? Find it with this Searchable Ward Map.
Check out Nonprofit Vote for a one stop shop of all official voting information for Massachusetts! It includes links to the online voter registration, how to register to vote, check your registration, absentee/vote by mail, early voting, find your poling place, learn about voter ID, and become a poll worker. Also included are information about special circumstances and additional nonprofit resources.
Also, The League of Women Voters has created this bilingual (English/Spanish) guide to state election changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to the resource above, the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) released their Voting & Election Toolkits. Developed by a team of librarians from across the country, the toolkits provide state-by-state voting and election information, including registration forms, polling places, deadlines, and more. General resources such as lesson plans and voting hotlines are included as well. Click here for Massachusetts!
Need a Vote by Mail Application for the November 3rd State Election ballots? Click here! The deadline is October 28th.