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Tag: teen

--Booklists Teens

Holiday Reads for Teens

‘Tis the season! Click the images below to request that title from the catalog. Christmas Hanukkah and/or Jewish protagonists at Christmas

--Teen Events Teens

Teen Cookie Decorating

Thursday, December 8 at 4pm Join Mandy Roberge to decorate some delicious Christmas cookies! Each participant will decorate a snowman, a Christmas tree, a gingerbread person, and a snowflake cookie! This program is for teens in grades 6-12. Registration is required, please use the button above.

--Teen Events Teens

Teen Crafternoon: Día de los Muertos masks

November 1 at 4pm Celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) by decorating your own calavera (skull) mask! We will learn about this important holiday in Mexican culture while we decorate. For teens in grades 6-12 Please register by clicking the button above.

--Teen Events Teens

SAT programs in November

The Digital SAT: What You Need to Know Tuesday, November 1st at 5pm The College Board has announced a significant change to the SAT® , turning the exam into a computer-based test. Learn about what’s changing, or not, on the SAT® , and what a digital SAT® means for you! This program is virtual and […]

--Teen Events Teens

Candy Bingo! (teens)

Tuesday, October 18 at 4pm Hey teens! Come play Bingo and win some candy! We’re talking FULL-SIZE BARS. (we will also have non-chocolate options). Open to teens in grades 6-12. Please register by clicking on the button above.

--Teen Events Teens


Monday, October 17 at 6pm (virtual) Are you wondering whether you should take the SAT® or ACT® ? In this program, Sarah Cao from The Princeton Review will discuss the truths and misconceptions, similarities and differences, and the strategies that improve scores on the SAT®, the ACT®, or Both.  This program is virtual and is […]

--Teen Events Teens

Felted Pumpkins

Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 4pm Learn how to needle felt wool, using a barbed needle and step-by-step instructions from Pop up Art School. You’ll sculpt two pumpkins: one in orange and one in white. You’ll leave the class with the knowledge and basic supplies you need to continue felting on your own! Ages 13-18 Registration […]

--Booklists Teens

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15 every year! Check out these recent titles added to the Young Adult collection to celebrate! Click on the image to request that title from the catalog. Fiction Libros en español

--Teen Events Teens

SAT Strategy Session

Thursday, September 29 at 5pm Are you wondering if you should take the SAT®? What are the tips and strategies to master it? Can these tests help you get a scholarship? What about test optional schools? This program is virtual and is hosted by The Princeton Review.  Participants will be entered in a raffle to […]