Library Director
Sarah Moser, ext. 621
Assistant Director
Jane Lemuth, ext. 641
Laura Roy, Administrative Assistant, ext. 617
Josh McDonald, Business Manager, ext. 631
Emily Giguere, Department Head, ext. 603
Reference and Information
Rebecca Lazan, Department Head, ext. 608
Brendan Kieran, Interlibrary Loan, ext. 608
Karlee Martin, Adult Programs, ext. 608
Youth Services
Maricela Soto, Department Head, ext. 626
Rachel Gagnon, Teen Services Librarian, ext. 650
Local History & Genealogy
Becky Geller, Head of Archival and Special Collections, ext. 642
Technical Services
Jackie Ellis, ext. 637
Network and Computing Systems
Fran Gosselin, ext. 619