Obituary Searches

Library staff can perform an obituary search in the local newspaper if provided a name and an exact date of death. Note that not all deaths are mentioned in the newspaper, in either obituaries or death notices. Obituaries are submitted (and paid for) by surviving family members (or other associates of the deceased) at their own discretion.

Please Note: Special Collections has a standard charge of $10 for obituary requests, which includes up 30 minutes of staff time to work on the request. This service includes up to 10 pages of copies for personal use only. We do our best to fill requests in a timely manner, though Special Collections has limited hours and staffing. We are generally unable to respond to requests Friday through Sunday or after hours.

Please contact the librarian either by phone, e-mail, or fill out our online form to submit a request for an obituary. You do not need a Haverhill Public Library card to submit a request.

Submit an Obituary Request

Research Requests

Library staff can perform basic research and attempt to answer simple reference questions remotely. If you have more than one question, please submit a separate Research Request for each one. We are unable to provide in-depth research, which the library defines as research that would take longer than 30 minutes to complete; we encourage you to be specific in your requests.

Please note: Special Collections has a standard charge of $10 for research requests, which includes up 30 minutes of staff time to work on the request. This service includes up to 10 pages of copies for personal use only. We do our best to fill requests in a timely manner, though Special Collections has limited hours and staffing. We are generally unable to respond to requests Friday through Sunday or after hours.

Please contact the librarian either by phone, e-mail, or fill out our online form to submit a research question. You do not need a Haverhill Public Library card to submit a request.

Submit a Research Request

Free Online Resources

Consider these online resources to assist you with further research – without having to submit a formal request! Please note that the “Library Resources” (Ancestry: Library Edition, HeritageQuest Online, American Ancestors, and New England Quarterly) are free within the library or require a Haverhill Public Library card.

Online Resources for Researchers