This documentary, produced by superstar athletes Serena and Venus Williams and Alex Morgan, tells the fascinating story of the first Women’s World Cup held in Mexico in 1971. You might be thinking “but I thought the first Women’s World Cup was held in 1991?” That’s because FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) denounced the 1971 games and thus they were erased from history…until now.
The Cup held matches between teams from Mexico, England, Denmark, France, Italy, and Argentina and over 100,000 people attended the matches. This doc features plenty of footage from the games, which is really fun to see, and many of the players from each team are interviewed. They reminisce about their time during the tournament and speak on the sexism and prejudice they faced from their home countries just for playing a sport they love. USWNT 2x World Cup Champion and Olympic gold-medalist Brandi Chastain is also interviewed.
This was truly a fantastic documentary and is a must watch for soccer/futbol fans or just sports fans in general.