Looking for a specific book, audiobook, movie, or CD, but can’t seem to find it in the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium? Try the Commonwealth Catalog! This statewide catalog allows users to request physical materials from libraries across Massachusetts. There’s no extra cost for patrons – all you need is your HPL library card to place requests!
If you can’t find what you’re looking for in the MVLC catalog, head to commonwealthcatalog.org. From there, you’ll be able to search for it among participating libraries across the Commonwealth. The results will tell you if an item is a book, large print book, music CD, audio CD, DVD, or another medium. If you find an item you’d like to request, click on “Request” or “Request This Item,” make sure your contact information is listed, choose a default pickup location, and click submit.

You will need to log in before you can submit a request. To sign in, select your library from the list of MVLC libraries, then enter your library card number and your PIN (which should be the last four digits of your phone number unless you’ve changed it).
HPL patrons may have up to 10 active ComCat requests at one time. If a book you’re looking for doesn’t seem to be available through ComCat, contact the reference desk, and we may be able to get it for you through the OCLC lending service.
Of course, you’re also welcome to stop by the reference desk or contact us at 978-373-1586, x608 or reference@haverhillpl.org for assistance with getting materials outside of MVLC. We’re happy to submit the requests for you!