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Tag: virtual

--Teen Events Teens

Blue Dog Halloween Virtual Paint Class

October 25 at 4pm Paint George Rorigue’s famous “Blue Dog” in a Halloween setting with glow in the dark paint! This class will be led by Doris Benter of LibraryArts and will be taught over Zoom. Kits will be available to pick up at the library. Open to those in grades 6-12.

--Teen Events Teens

The ‘3 Cs’ of Storytelling Writing Workshop

In this interactive writing workshop, attendees will learn to: Identify the 3 Cs (Character, Conflict and Context) in the stories around them Apply the 3 Cs in planning their own story Develop an original scene based on the 3 Cs This class is for ages 11-18 and will be held over Zoom. About Chris: Chris […]