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Tag: vampires

--Staff Picks

“Vampires of El Norte” by Isabel Cañas

Growing up on her family’s hacienda in 1840s Mexico was difficult enough with the threat of aggressive Anglo settlers from the north, but Nena wasn’t prepared to face the sinister and terrifying creatures that come from the dark and seem to suck the very life from people.  It is one of these creatures that changes […]

--Staff Picks General

“A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night” by Ana Lily Amirpour

The vampire in “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night” (2014) doesn’t seem to relish being a vampire. It seems she’d rather be listening to music, or eating hamburgers brought to her by cute boys. There are only three kills in the entire movie, two of them perpetrated against men mistreating women. In between these […]