The Haverhill Public Library provides a public bulletin board for the posting of community activities and events as well as public service notices of educational, cultural or community interest.


The following applies to all public bulletin boards and all tables used for the aforementioned purposes:

  • Designated library staff must approve all notices, posters, and brochures.
  • All items should be brought to the Information Desk for approval.
  • Only designated staff can post or remove notices.
  • Once notices are removed, they are discarded.
  • Notices posted or left on tables without authorization will be removed and discarded.
  • Approved notices, posters, and brochures will be posted as space on the board becomes available and at the staff’s discretion. If the board is crowded, library staff reserve the right to select notices for events with the widest appeal.
  • Oversized posters may be rejected because of space limitations.
  • Bulletin boards at the elevator and stairwells are reserved for library events and notices.
  • Materials that do not fall within the scope of the library’s mission may be posted on the Summer Street bulletin board. This board is available for the use of the public and the Haverhill Public Library does not assume responsibility for damaged or stolen materials.
  • The “Business Bulletin Board” is for local businesses only. Size limitation is 3 inches by 5 inches. Only one (1) item may be posted per business. All items will be dated and removed after 6 months. Notices must be professional in appearance. Handwritten material will not be posted.
  • Acceptance of materials for display does not imply the library’s endorsement of a group or organization, its policies or beliefs.

Adopted: 1/16/03
Revised: 09/26/16