Haverhill Public Library
Board of Trustees
Minutes of December 12, 2019
The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees of the Haverhill Public Library was called to order at 8:35 a.m. on Thursday, December 12, 2019 in the Donald C. Freeman Whittier Room. In attendance were Trustees Bresnahan, Klueber, Sheehan, Rurak, and Veasey-Sirois. Trustee Coletti was absent. Also in attendance was Director Sarah Moser.
Secretary’s Report
The trustees were given copies of the minutes dated November 21, 2019. After perusing the minutes, a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. The minutes were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report
The Trustees examined the November financial statements provided by the Business Manager, Josh. He stated that the portfolio yield declined this year due to a decline in investment income. He made more changes to the format of the financial statements and there was discussion among the trustees regarding how to continue working on a new format to show all figures completely and accurately. Trustee Sheehan made a motion to accept the financials and Trustee Klueber seconded the motion. The financial statements were unanimously approved.
Director’s Report
A copy of the Director’s Report was given to the Trustees. Sarah discussed the highlights, which included, the hiring of a new Assistant Director, who will start on Jan. 6 and that they have begun interviewing for the Head of Youth Services position. Trustee Rurak suggested asking candidates their ideas for how to acquire more teen interest and participation in library activities.
Old Business
The roofing company, Garland Inc. will be conducting infrared tests on the roof to assess for any wear or damage which will help aid in the decision to replace or repair the roof. Sarah is in the process of contacting space planners for ideas on incorporating a coffee shop and/or pavilion seating.
Trustee Rurak led a discussion on the Grad Family Trust about how to move the portfolio from the Grad Family Trust to the Library Trustees when it reaches $500,000. The trustees reviewed and discussed the contract and how to use the money for the library.
Trustee Rurak discussed the issue of ADA compliant parking spaces with the City and one idea was to add more spaces owned by the library near the hill.
New Business
Sarah spoke with Bill Cox about the possibility of the trustees buying the condominium from the City. Trustee Sheehan will review the deed and restrictions.
Sarah attended a City Department Head meeting with the Mayor to discuss what is needed in the next fiscal year. She asked for the City to pay the amount they are required to pay in order to meet the MAR. There is still an $80,000 gap so Sarah asked to have a full time archivist in Special Collections especially so it can be open more hours.
Holiday plans for the library staff include a movie night, a cookie contest, and gift cards from the Trustees.
The Trustees expressed their gratitude toward Sarah for her good work.
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The meeting ended at 9:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Bresnahan, Secretary