Looking to explain the Coronavirus / COVID-19 to your child?
The Haverhill Public Library and the many libraries in the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium have added relevant books their collection. Checkout the booklist below for some titles and the consortium catalog for all available books (Click here). If specific titles listed below catch your eye, then click the title to place a hold on the item.

Picture Books
And the People Stayed Home by Kitty O’Meara
COVID-19 Helpers by Beth Bacon and Kerry Lee
Do Not Let Your Dragon Spread Germs by Julie Gassman
Heroes Wear Masks: Elmo’s Super Adventure by Lillian Jane
Lucy’s Mask by Lisa Sirkis Thompson
Outside, Inside by LeUyen Pham
There is a Rainbow by Theresa Trinder
Where Did All the Playgrounds Go? by Sean Laven
Information Books
A Shot in the Arm by Don Brown (Graphic Novel format)
Be a Virus Warrior! A Kid’s Guide to Keeping Safe by Eloise Macgregor
Distance Learning by Julie Murray
How Can I Help During COVID-19? by Emily Dolbear
Staying Safe with Healthy Habits by Julie Murray
Understanding COVID-19 by Douglas Hustad
What is COVID-19? (Level 2) by Alexis Roumanis
What is COVID-19 (Level 4) by Alexis Roumanis
Books in Spanish / Libros en Español
Ayudantes de COVID-19 por Beth Bacon and Kerry Lee
¿Que es el COVID-19? (Nivel 2) por Alexis Roumanis
¿Que es el COVID-19? (Nivel 4) por Alexis Roumanis
Electronic Books
Alone Together by Julia Seal (Overdrive)
What is the Coronavirus Disease COVID-19? by Michael Burgan – Who HQ Series (Overdrive)
Follow this link for a list of e-books for children about the Coronavirus (available in multiple languages): Click here.