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Category: –Kids Events

--Kids Events Kids

Tiempo de Cuentos (Storytime)

October 12 at 3:45 pm Vamos a leer, cantar, y danzar en español y inglés en este programa de 30 minutos para niños de 3-5 años con sus familias. We will read, sing, and dance in this 30-minute program for kids 3-5 with their families.

--Kids Events General Kids

Virtual Sukkot Storytime with PJ Library

September 17 at 11am Rachel Lefebvre from PJ Library and the Lappin Foundation will be hosting an engaging Virtual Sukkot Storytime for ages 0-6. There will be singing by Cantor Idan Irelander of Temple Emmanuel in Andover. Sukkot is a Jewish holiday that this year begins on September 20th and lasts until September 27th. This is […]

--Kids Events Kids

End of Summer Crafternoon

September 14th at 4pm Celebrate the end of summer by making a cool nameplate craft, and a frame to go with it! Open to ages 6-11, and registration is required.