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Boston Bruins PJ Drive

General Kids Teens

The Haverhill Public Library is participating in the 18th Annual Boston Bruins PJ Drive and is collecting new pajamas for local children living in low-income and homeless situations. We are looking for brand-new pajamas, appropriate for all seasons, and in all sizes. Please do not give pajamas that include any family or holiday references. The most needed sizes are:

  • Girls: 12-18 months, 18-24 months, 2T, 3T, 5/6 (child S), 7/8 (child M), 14/16 (child XL/adult S), 18/20 (child XXL/adult M)
  • Boys: 12-18 months, 18-24 months, 5/6 (child S), 7/8 (child M), 10/12 (child L), 14/16 (child XL/adult S), 18/20 (child XXL/adult M)

Pajamas can be dropped off in the children’s room from February 1 – March 14.