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Book Concierge Feedback Form


    Reader Information:

    Tell Us About Your Latest Read:

    General Reading Feedback

    How long of a book do you typically enjoy reading?

    Are you OK with a book that starts a series?

    YesNoNo preference

    Are you OK with cliffhangers?

    YesNoNo preference

    List your top three genres (and any subgenres) below:

    Please check off any triggers you would like to AVOID.

    Abortion/MiscarriageAnimal AbuseCheatingChild AbuseEating Disorders/Body ShamingHomophobia/TransphobiaLove TriangleMain Character DeathPregnancyRacismRapeSelf-HarmSpousal Abuse (or other abusive relationships)Substance AbuseWar Violence

    Write any additional comments below:

    Optional: Only answer the following questions if you are looking for Romance genre selections.

    What types of relationships are you interested in reading about? Select all that apply.

    What is your preferred Spice level? Select all that apply. (Everyone measures Spice levels differently, below are examples of varying Spice levels.