Did you know that you can sign up to get notifications when new materials featuring specific authors or performers are added to the collection? Sign up for Author Alerts and get notified by email or text message when any member library of the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium orders new titles by your favorite authors or performers!
To get started, go to the “Resources” page on our website, then click on “Author Alerts” under “Book Recommendations / Search.” Once you’re on the Author Alerts page, click on “Start Here” to sign up.
To create a profile, select email or text message as your format for receiving alerts. If you choose email, enter your email address; if you choose text, enter your phone number and select (or enter) your carrier. You can create a screen name if you’d like, but it’s optional. You can also check boxes to allow other readers to view your alerts or to stay logged in; these are also optional.
On the next page, choose from a list of formats, including books, eBooks, audio discs, eAudiobooks, large print, DVDs, and Playaways. You’ll receive notifications for materials in each format you select that include the authors/performers you choose.
Once you’ve set up your account, you can enter the names of authors/performers. You can also look at lists of the most popular authors with other readers; at the time of writing, the top authors with users were Louise Penny, Jeffrey Deaver, and Jodi Picoult.

Get started with Author Alerts today!