A t-rec and an alligator reading a book about hippos

What is REXommendations?

REXommendations is a FREE packaged experience for readers twelve and younger. Your REXommendations bag is available every other month with a personalized book recommendation and special items for your child to KEEP! Our subscription service is similar to other paid services such as OwlCrate, Fab Fit Fun, and Loot Crate.

How does it work?

To register click the button below and fill out our form with your young reader’s information and reading tastes! Please be as thorough as possible to help us choose the best books for your young reader. When you register, you’re signing up for a 1 year, bimonthly (6 boxes total) subscription. Boxes come out at the beginning of each month.
Sign-Up Today!

Pick up your box!
Once you have been notified that your box is available, visit the library and pick-up your box from the Children’s Room Desk on the second floor.

You won’t know what we’ve picked out for your young reader! When you get home, they will have the exciting experience of opening the box to see. Along with the recommended library books, they will also receive FREE goodies to keep.

Give us some feedback!
Once you’re done, please return the box and books to the Children’s Room, and complete our feedback form so we can make sure your next box is EVEN BETTER!

What’s in the box?

Every box will include :

  • a few personally selected books from our collection chosen according to your young reader’s tastes  (these are due in three weeks!)
  • fun bits of swag you get to KEEP (ex. candy, buttons, bookmarks, fun socks, key chains, etc.)
  • a link to an online survey to help us make your next box even better


For any questions about the program feel free to email the Kids Department at kids@haverhillpl.org or call 978-373-1586 x626.

Other Library Subscriptions


Ages 12-18

The Book Concierge
