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--Staff Picks

The Jellyfish by Boum

The Jellyfish, translated from French and written by Montreal-born writer Boum, follows 20-something Odette as they start to experience the sudden appearance of a jellyfish in their eye. They visit the optometrist only to be told that they have a jellyfish in their eye and there’s nothing to be done. Soon, they have two. Then […]

--Staff Picks General

Circe by Madeline Miller

Circe by Madeline Miller is a rich retelling of the story a relatively minor character in Greek myth, Circe, the solitary sorceress who is best known for transforming Odysseus’ sailors into swine. The novel follows Circe’s journey from a misunderstood, and presumably feeble, daughter of the Titans to a self-empowered and formidable goddess exiled on the […]


March Displays Around the Library

Next time you’re in the library, browse our displays! We have themed displays for adults that rotate monthly. This March, our nonfiction diplay is dedicated to Women’s History Month, and our fiction display is dedicated to stories of betrayal and revenge (in commemoration of the death of Julius Caesar). We also have our staff picks […]


March Booklist: Los Angeles

Los Angeles has always captured our imagination and provides the inspiration for so many books, movies, albums, etc.. It’s a real city with real people, but it’s also a place woven into the fabric of our national mythology. Love it or hate it, you can’t escape it (unless you’re Kurt Russell). You can explore this […]