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Special Collections Open House

Special Collections
Item 31479006503329 in the Senter Digital Archive, Pauline F. Pulsifer and young woman in Haverhill Public Library Annex vault, n.d.

If you have ever been curious about Special Collections at HPL, we welcome you to join us for our first quarterly open house! Drop by Special Collections on the 3rd Floor anytime between 5:00 – 7:00PM on March 6th to see what we’re all about.

Special Collections staff will be on hand to answer questions about using our collections, what we do, and how we can help you with your research projects for school, work, or just for fun. This is the first of a quarterly series to introduce the space to potential researchers.

Each open house includes a skill-building activity to help researchers get the most out of their time in Special Collections. This time we have a cursive puzzle to help you practice reading handwritten documents.

We will remain open for research during this time, as well.

More Special Collections information is always available in our corner of the HPL website: