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Edible Perennial Gardening and Landscaping

--Adult Events General

Saturday, March 13 at 2:00pm

Edible Perennial Gardening and Landscaping is a power point presentation featuring the variety of trees, shrubs, vines, canes, and herbaceous perennials that can be grown in New England for bountiful harvests of fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Participants learn how to establish and care for these plants using organic methods of cultivation. Nutritional and medicinal benefits of the plants are discussed as well. Questions and comments are welcome throughout the presentation. Presented by Naturalist and Landscaper John Root.

Part of HPL’s Spring Gardening series. This program and series are a collaboration between HPL and the Haverhill Garden Club.

This program will be held on Zoom. We will send a link with instructions on the day of the program.

For questions about this program, please contact Brendan Kieran at 978-373-1586, x608, or